Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Nature of the beast

I don't expect you guys to share my faith. 

But I do expect you guys to share my fears. 

Do you ever stop and wonder, how fragile this thing we call "life" really is?  My father put it into perspective for me long ago, when he said "we're all just passing by this world." It always baffled me how perplexed this statement was, coming from such a simple man. Not to sell him short as a person, my father achieved much for a man who was given little, and who wasn't expected of much long ago. But as celebrated as ingenuity, intelligence, and innovation are, so are courage, competence, and creed. He dared and succeeded where many dared and succumbed. I celebrate my father for resembling what it takes to achieve peace. Sometimes we need to dare ourselves to believe that peace is truly attainable in a world always full of strife.  We can certainly ask ourselves; "when wasn't the world a dangerous place to live in?" 

But we can also ask ourselves, “Why can’t we make the world a safer place to live in?”

It often times starts with you. With me. With us.  Mahatma Gandhi once said, ‘you must be the change you wish to see in the world.’ 

Easier said than done? 

Certainly not. 

All it takes is one act of courage or one act of kindness for us to start changing the world.  It needs to be a grass roots moment in order to be successful.  Was the empire of Rome built in a day?  It certainly wasn’t.  It was constructed over years, expanded (not through the most virtuous’ ways, but for purpose of argument, let’s leave it in the context of growth and prosperity) and built into what the world considers one of the greatest empires the world has ever seen.  Its success and time of prosperity in history has been coined in Latin, ‘Pax Romana,’ or ‘Roman Peace.”

Acts of kindness and acts of good deeds can be spread like wildfire. 

But we must first light the flames within ourselves.  To make the effort. To do good and to be good.

Buddha once stated:

"Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared."

Peace breeds happiness.  And happiness fosters lives worth living.  We may not always have happiness.  But that doesn’t mean we can’t always give it.

"We're all just passing by this world." Why do we choose to leave it a more wretched place than how we found it? Why choose to kill? Destroy? Break a heart? Break a family?  

We have to do as much as we can with what little the world gives us. 

Go out and do something nice for someone today.  Little acts of kindness go a long way.
And it starts with you.


It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work.  It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.  - (Unknown) 

There's a common perception in life that we all run the same race. The context being in difficulty and length.  But life has become a treadmill for most. Giving us the illusion that we are moving forward, when we're actually staying put.  And once this is realized, one’s world is turned upside down.  It breaks people.  It evokes bitterness in the heart and soul.  And as the universal nature of the rise in the ocean’s tide brings up everything together with it, destroyed men and women look to bring everything apart.

Negativity goes against nature.

The truth of the matter is that we are a destroyed world.  And everything continually falls apart. We break at all the right places. And heal in all the wrong ones.  We stay up to worry ourselves. We massage our fears. And once we snap, we destroy the very things that God / nature has blessed us with. 

So how do we fix it?

How do I fix this post? As this dark theme looms large over my writing, it seems almost hopeless. 

Like finding peace in the world, it seems almost hopeless. 

You try to find a solidarity of peace in the kind acts of people, even as we walk among Devils. Yet men and women toil among each other over nonsense, as dead children wash up on beaches. A child who, himself and with his family, was just trying to find a peaceful home. A child who was just trying to find his own individual peace. Away from war. Away from grief. Away from pain. 

The world is a reflection of our individual lives.  It is a collective picture of each individual.  It is the sum of many stories.

Painful Stories

The Sum of Many Acts.

Despicable acts. 

Where is the peace in that?

Might we never find peace among each other because we never make peace within ourselves? Thus, hurting each other. Hating each other. Killing each other. Breaking each other. 

Breaking each other's hearts. And further breaking our own. 

They say in life, "if you lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas." If we continually subject ourselves to this dangerous, defeatist attitude, we're only further reiterating this evil dogma on earth. And passing it along to others. 

It's tough to get up. But we'll eventually get up. 

It's tough to find peace. But we'll eventually find peace. 

Even when we pay the price of our life for it. 
  1. "When he shall die take him and cut him out into stars and he shall make the face of heaven so fine that all the world will be in love with night and pay no worship to the garish sun."
    - William Shakespeare 
    Sleep well Aylan. You were not able to find peace on Earth. But where your soul is going, peace is the rule. 
    Not the exception. 